Sunday, October 22, 2006

its not fair

I am sitting here at home while everyone is at a foot ball game eating bbq, having a great time because i have a huge essay due tomorrow. ok not huge but it is one of the hardest essays ive every had to write. seems to be a commor trend in this class. I can't stand the essays we have to write. We have to fit too much information into too little space. ahhhh, i can go on and on but now im beginning to feel guilty that i am blogging about it instead of actually doing it. This blog thing is going to be a real problem. I have this whole page where i can just vent and vent to the world....kind scary.....this just may become my unlitame form of prcrastination.....not a good thing. ok ok ok the angel on my shoulder is getting the best of me....good-bye for now

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